Clay Target Team

CDH Spring 2025 Clay Target Season Information
Welcome to the Cretin-Derham Hall Clay Target Shooting Team home page. Our team competes in Trap, Skeet and Sporting Clays and is comprised of both boys and girls. Our primary competitive seasons are in the fall and the spring.
The only prerequisite for participation is each athlete must possess his/her Hunter and Safety Education Certificate offered by the state DNR before they can compete. If you do not have this, please contact Gary Fischbach, our firearms safety coach. School Letters are awarded at season's end to those who meet the criteria offered by the team. This sport offers both young men and women an opportunity to compete side by side, and possibly discover hidden talents they didn't know they had. The shooting sports require good hand and eye coordination, and the maturity to stay focused on safety procedures.
Questions we are asked every year include, “Do I need to have past shooting or hunting experience?” and “Do I need to own a shotgun?” The answer to both of these is no. We take beginners every year; we train you in both the safety and skill of the game. While it’s preferred at some point to have your own shotgun, we do not recommend buying one until you have had the opportunity to sample a few different guns. The team does have a limited supply of club guns for use.
Mr. Chad Anderson is the Clay Target Team Activity Chair. Jason Naber is the Head Coach.
We will continue doing our best as adult facilitators and coaches to help introduce the shotgun shooting sports to a generation of young people that may have had limited exposure to any of the shooting sports. We will focus on safety, fun, and competition as we grow.
Important Dates
- February 4: MN State High School Clay Target League registration opens
- February TBD: All Team picture
- February TBD: 6pm All Team meeting CDH Commons.
- March 24: Team and student athlete registration closes Noon CT.
- March 30: Practice Week 1 begins
- April 6: Practice Week 2 begins
- April 13: Reserve Week begins
- April 20: Competition Week 1 begins
- April 27: Competition Week 2 begins
- May 4: Competition Week 3 begins
- May 11: Competition Week 4 begins
- May 18: Competition Week 5 begins
- May 25: Fun Week begins
- June 1-30: State Tournaments
Fall 2024
- Olivia Kline ’26 won 1st place in Conference and 1st Place in State for Girls Skeet. Olivia also won 2nd place in Conference for Girls Trap.
- Tim Morland '26 won 3rd place in Conference for Boys Trap.
Spring 2024
- Emilia Bray '24 was awarded 1st in Conference for Girls Trap, 2nd in Varsity at the State Championship and 3rd in the State Trap Tournament. Emilia also earned a second place JV finish at the State Skeet Championship.
- Olivia Kline ’26 won 1st in Conference for Girls Skeet and was awarded 1st place at the State Skeet Championships. Olivia also won 3rd place in Conference for Girls Trap.
- Tealah Boua-Koran ’24 took 3rd place at the State Skeet Championships for Novice.
Fall 2023
- Emilia Bray '24 won 1st in Conference for Girls Trap.
Spring 2023
- Emilia Bray '24 was awarded 1st in Conference for varsity Girls Trap, and 3rd in Conference for varsity girls skeet.
- Olivia Kline '26 took 1st place for Jr. Varsity Girls Skeet at the MN State Clay Target Championship.
- Riley Bray '22 and Kali Bray '22, took 1st and 2nd place in both the skeet and sporting clays conference and Kali took 2nd in trap conference championships as members of the Bethany College Team.
Fall 2022
Will Archbold shot 2-25 straight, was our top shooter on the team with a 22.10 average, and is tied for third in the conference.
Emilia Bray shot 1-25 straight, was our second place shooter with a 22.00 average, and placed 5th overall in conference.
Sam Laughlin improved tremendously to land at 18.4 average for the season.
Fall 2021
Spring 2021
The CDH Clay Target competed in both Trap and Skeet in the Spring of 2021.
1A - Conference 1
- Emilia Bray ’24- Female 3rd Place Novice Division at the MN State Trap Championships
- Riley Bray ’22- Female 2nd Place in Varsity for Conference
- Kali Bray ’22- Female 3rd Place in Jr. Varsity for Conference
1A - Conference 1
- Emilia Bray ’24- Female 2nd Place Novice Division at the MN State Skeet Championships
- Riley Bray ’22- Female 3rd Place Novice Division at the MN State Skeet Championships
- Riley Bray ’22- Female 1st Place for Conference
- Kali Bray ’24- Female 2nd Place for Conference
- Emilia Bray ’24- Female 3rd Place for Conference
Fall 2020
1A - Conference 1
- Riley Bray '22 - Female 3rd Place Highest Season Average Conference 1
The CDH Clay Target Team has a small number of kids participating but finished did a great job competing in the Minnesota State High School Clay Target League 2020 Spring Season.
1A - Conference 1
Allison Naber '20 - Female 1st Place Highest Season Average Conference 1 - 22.40
Allison Naber ‘20 – All State Team- High Season Average
The CDH Clay Target Team finished very well in the Minnesota State High School Clay Target League 2019 Spring Season.
1A - Conference 1
CDH Trap Team - 1st Place Team 1A Conference 1
Dylan Jacobson '19 - Highest season average overall 1A - 24.10
Dylan Jacobson '19 - Male 1st Place Highest Season Average Conference 1 - 24.10
Stanley Lukas '19 - Male 3rd Place Highest Season Average Conference 1 – 22.50
Allison Naber '20 - Female 1st Place Highest Season Average Conference 1 - 22.80
1A - Conference 1
CDH Skeet Team- 2nd Place Team 1A Conference 1 (only lost by 5 targets with only 4 shooters)
Dylan Jacobson '19 - Male 2nd Place Season Average Conference 1- 23.20
Our team competed very well in the Minnesota Youth Education of the Shooting Sports. MNYESS facilitates the shooting of the disciplines of Trap, Skeet, and Sporting Clays. There is also the Tri-Combo event for the kids that shoot all three disciplines.
Dylan Jacobson '19 1st Place (Boys) 24.17 Average
Stanley Lukas '19 3rd Place (Boys) 23.08 Average
Alison Naber '20 1st Place (Girls) 22.92 Average
Dylan Jacobson '19 1st Place (Boys) 23.08 Average
Stanley Lukas '19 2nd Place (Boys) 21.33 Average
Alison Naber '20 1st Place (Girls) 16.58 Average
Tri - Combo
Dylan Jacobson '19 1st Place (Boys) 270 Total
Stanley Lucas '19 2nd Place (Boys) 258 Total
Alison Naber '20 1st Place (Girls) 219 Total
Stanley Lukas '19 - Male 3rd Place Season Average Conference 1- 21.70
Allison Naber '20 - Female 1st Place Highest Season Average Conference 1 – 16.70
Lettering Policy
CDH Lettering Policy - 3 Pathways to Letter. A letter can be earned in both Trap and Skeet.
(You need to fulfill the criteria for one of the following pathways to letter)
1) Shoot an average of 18 – 25 shooting a minimum of 12 rounds in an event
2) Shoot a perfect score of 25
3) Active participation on the team for 4 years
Attendance: We hope you all will have perfect attendance. To letter, you may only miss twice throughout the spring season. If you are going to miss a week, you need to get prior approval from coaching staff.