We are so excited to have you join the Class of 2029! You've landed in the right place to find all the information you need for a successful start to your CDH experience. Please follow the steps below to register as part of the CDH Class of 2029.
Practice for Registration
At registration on March 6, 2025 you will be selecting classes and completing the 9th Grade Registration Form with a CDH faculty member. A practice registration form can be accessed below. Prior to registration, please review the Grade 9 Course Offerings below. You will receive details about the registration event along with our course recommendations in a mailing mid-February.
Priority enrollment in the summer Human Geography course will be given to students who are enrolled in at least two of the following full-year classes: Learning Lab, Band, Choir or JROTC.
Continuous Enrollment Contract
The Continuous Enrollment Contract will be sent to you by mid-February and is a one-time contract that will serve as the contract for all four years at CDH. Please complete the contract and bring it with you to registration on March 6.
Final Step: Submit Contract, Registration Fee and summer course fee
The Continuous Enrollment Contract, the $300 registration fee and any applicable summer course fee will be collected when you register for classes on March 6, 2025. We accept cash or check made out to CDH. We also accept credit cards but please note it comes with transaction fees.
Please direct all questions to the CDH Admissions Office: admissions@c-dh.org or 651-696-3301.

Concessions Program Opportunities
This is a list of organizations offering the Volunteer Concessions program. Please contact the organization directly for more information.