Dr. Stephen Richardson ‘04 grew up in Roseville, attending St. Rose of Lima and then Cretin-Derham Hall. His father, Michael ‘73 was a Cretin grad, and two of his three brothers, Kevin ‘05 and Jeff ‘12 also graduated from CDH.
He majored in Psychology at the University of Minnesota, then attended medical school there as well. Staying at the University of Minnesota, he completed his Residency in Anesthesiology followed by afellowship in cardiac anesthesiology, which he completed in summer 2020. He is now an Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology as well as a board-certified cardiac anesthesiologist.
As a high school student, Stephen was a dedicated athlete in both baseball and football, an experience that prepared him for a high-pressure career. He recalls the importance of preparation and focus, from the moment you set foot on the field from practice to warm-ups,in order to succeed on the field. Today, he holds those same expectations for himself as he prepares for surgical cases.
He primarily treats patients undergoing heart surgery, heart and lung transplants, or implantation of mechanical heart assist devices, managing their pain and ensuring that their blood pressure and heart rate are at healthy levels. He also does research and teaches medical students, medical residents, and nursing students. He is highly regarded by his students, patients, and colleagues.
“Stephen is an exceptional human being,” said Tjorvi E. Perry, Division Chief of Cardiothoracic Anesthesia at the University of Minnesota hospital. “His intelligence and passion coupled with his ability to push himself straight out of his own comfort zone is unparalleled. His sense of responsibility for his community and deep understanding of the privileges he has been afforded drive him not to ask ‘Why?’ but rather ‘Why not?’ I couple not be prouder of Stephen for the things he has accomplished at such a young age, and am selfishly ecstatic that he’s on my team.”
Outside of his work as a cardiac anesthesiologist, Stephen worked with fellow alum Jim McGurran ‘04 in the early days of the pandemic to develop a simple device that could be used in the case of a ventilator shortage. In just over two months, the device was FDA-approved and 3,000 had been manufactured by Boston Scientific. An additional 3,000 units were built by a North Dakota company based on their design. The Coventor has been deployed to South America, Africa, and India, with nearly every one of the 3,000 units donated to developing countries or donated to the Strategic National Stockpile. Stephen’s work ethic and devotion to his work may end up saving countless lives, especially overseas and in emergency response situations.
Stephen and his wife, Angela Richardson Bohrer ‘05, are raising four kids ages ten months to seven years.
The Signum Fidei award is presented annually to one woman and one man whose career and actions are reflective of the ideals of the Christian Brothers and the Sisters of Saint Joseph. Stephen expemplifies those ideals through his impressive career and dedication to making the world a better place.