9th Graders and Parents Celebrate Mass Together

Lou Anne Tighe, CSJc, Director of Campus Ministry
October 27, 2017

   Fr. Pat Kennedy'69, Cretin-Derham Hall Chaplain, celebrated mass with our ninth-grade class and their parents and guardians on Wednesday, October 25, 2017. Our students, parents, and guardians gathered for a morning of prayer in the Griep Family Gymnasium.

Fr. Kennedy reminded the class that even though the world has darkness, they are called to be light. "Your light," he added, "...comes from the light of God.  God made each of you, and, like the creation story, God looks at you and says, 'You are good.  You are really really good.'"


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Easter Mass Celebrated

Fr. Pat Kennedy led Easter Mass in the field house on April 4, with several students and staff taking part with the readings and music.