Counseling Today - May 2024

May 8, 2024

Here is your May CDH Counseling Department newsletter! We encourage you to follow us on Instagram for more regular reminders and updates. 

Our counseling department is a Recognized ASCA Model Program (RAMP), with CDH having earned RAMP status this year. We are the only private high school in Minnesota to have this designation. Feel free to read more about this great honor, what it took to earn, and what it means for our students! 

If you need to contact us, please take a look at our contact page on the school website to determine the best person to help address your needs

School Counseling

All CDH Students

There will be some summertime counseling office availability:

Ms. Mansur, administrative assistant: Tuesdays and Thurs 7-10 am.

Ms. Carroll, registrar: Mon - Fri, 7 am - 3 pm.

Counselors: available periodically through email. Ms. Shead is also available in person by appointment.

Free tele-health counseling is available to both CDH students and parents through a partnership with Phoenix Counseling. Their availability is outside of school hours, including nights, weekends, and the summer. Read further for more information about this resource and to sign up.

The CDH Peer Tutoring Program is still available for any student to receive individual tutoring during Flex or After School. Sign up here.


AP exams are here. The dates are May 6 - May 16, 2024. All the exams we are giving are posted on the school calendar for the first few weeks of May. Exams are given in the Band Room. Students with accommodations will receive a separate email from Mr. Thao the day before the exam and should report to the Counseling Office.

The following bullet points are very important reminders that we ask you to please read. 

  • Leave backpacks and cell phones in your locker - DO NOT bring them to the testing room (they will be taken away for the exam).

  • If you have a smartwatch like an Apple watch, do not wear it (it will be taken away for the exam).

  • We will void your test if we see or hear cell phones or other electronic devices during testing OR on breaks.

  • Bring several #2 pencils with erasers (not mechanical) AND several black or blue pens.

  • Report directly to the testing room by either 7:30 am or 11:45 am. You do not need to report to a classroom for attendance first.

  • Please emphasize the importance of being on time with your students, as we want the exams to begin as quickly as possible.

Calculators/Supplies: If you have any questions about allowable exam calculators, please check the College Board website for information.

Students with afternoon exams should eat something at 11:30 am and be in the Lentsch Forum (or Counseling if testing with accommodations) at 11:45 am. Students can bring a snack to have during the break only.

If you have any questions, please let Thay Thao know.  

Here are some helpful links to prepare:

AP Exam schedule:



AM Exam (8 AM)

PM Exam (12 PM)

May 6


AP US Government/Politics

AP Chemistry

May 7


AP Human Geography

AP Statistics


AP Micro Economics


May 8



AP Computer Science

May 9


AP Chinese Language & Culture

AP Psychology


AP Environmental Science


May 10


AP U.S. History


May 13


AP Calculus AB


AP Calculus BC


May 14


AP English Language & Composition

AP Physics C: Mechanics

May 15


AP French Language & Culture


May 16


AP Spanish Language & Culture

AP Biology


College Counseling


College Application Bootcamp Announcement! The morning (9a-12p) session for Bootcamp is full, and the afternoon (1p-4p) session has about 15 spots left. Swing to the counseling office or contact your college counselor if you'd like to register. The College Application Bootcamp runs this year from July 30 to August 2.


May 1 - College Decision Day - Seniors wore college sweatshirts over their uniforms on Wednesday, May 1 to represent the college or university they will be attending this fall! It was a fun day where most seniors filled out their Senior Survey and got a “congratulations” cookie!

Please be sure to complete your Class of 2024 Senior Survey in Naviance. We need your responses for several reasons, but the most important is knowing where to send your final transcript! To complete: 

  1. Log into your Naviance account (hint: your username is your CDH email)

  2. Click on your initials in the top right

  3. Select "surveys from your school"

  4. Complete the "Class of 2024 Senior Survey" to the best of your ability

The deadline to complete the survey is ASAP. If you haven't made your final college decision yet you should still submit the form. Ms. Nelson, Mr. Reynolds and the rest of the counseling team will get in touch with you in mid-May to follow up on your final choice.  

Chemical Health Counseling

All Students - Chemical Free Corner

Calling for Help with Immunity 

Recently speakers from MN Teen Challenge “Know the Truth” and Augsburg College’s “Step Up” Program visited CDH and spoke to Juniors and Seniors respectively.  Both times, “Steve’s Law” was mentioned.  I wanted to pass on information regarding this law and calling for help during a suspected opioid overdose and/or when you suspect someone has alcohol poisoning.

Steve’s Law is Minnesota’s Good Samaritan Law. It was passed in 2014 and allows first responders to carry opioid antagonists like Narcan on emergency calls. It also protects individuals from liability when calling 911 to get help for someone they suspect is having an overdose. You will not get in trouble for trying to help someone even if you have been using the opioid as well.

Signs of opioid overdose:

  • Slow, irregular or stopped breathing 
  • Pale, clammy skin
  • Slow heartbeat or low blood pressure
  • Blue or purple fingernails and lips
  • Unresponsive to voice or touch
  • Pinpoint sized pupils

Steve’s Law is named after Steve Rummler who died of a heroin overdose in 2011. Like many others, his addiction began with legally prescribed opioid painkillers. The bill’s author, Senator Chris Eaton, personally understood this as his own daughter died of an overdose at the age of 23. The person with whom she used, failed to call 911. The person was more afraid of the legal consequences than he was concerned with saving her life. This is so important to know as the fentanyl (synthetic opioid) epidemic continues. 

Immunity under Steve’s Law does not apply to minors in alcohol situations but there is a MN Statute passed in 2013 that does. The Alcohol Overdose and Medical Amnesty statute provides immunity for underage consumption or possession of alcohol for a person contacting 911 to seek assistance for an incapacitated individual. The person who receives medical assistance will also be immune from prosecution for underage drinking. The law also extends to 1-2 other individuals assisting on site in the situation. The law also requires the caller to: give their full name, stay with the incapacitated individual until help arrives, and cooperate with emergency responders and law enforcement. This means your parents and school may be contacted but you will not be legally prosecuted.  

Signs of an alcohol overdose: 

  • Appears unconscious
  • Won't wake up
  • Cold, clammy, pale or bluish skin
  • Slow or irregular breathing  

What to do: Turn the person on their side; dial 911, get medical help; stay with the person. 

Bottom line: Please call for help! It could mean saving the life of a friend, family member or stranger.

Laura Esping

CDH Chemical Health Counselor  

Important Dates

May 8

AP Computer Science exam

May 9

AP Chinese Language & Culture, AP Environmental Science, and AP Psychology exams

May 10

AP US History exam

May 13

AP Calculus AB and AP Calculus BC exams

May 14

AP English Language & Composition and AP Physics C: Mechanics exams

May 15

AP French Language & Culture exam

May 16

AP Spanish Language & Culture and AP Biology exams

May 23

Senior Finals - Periods 1, 4, 5, 6

May 24

Seniors’ Last Day and Finals - Periods 2, 3, 7

June 3

Trimester 3 Finals - Periods 1-4 

June 4

Last Day of School and Trimester 3 Finals - Periods 5-7



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