Letter from the Principal - October 2021

By Mona Passman, Principal
October 13, 2021

 Dear Parents, Guardians, and Students,

Happy October and mid-trimester! This year we are marking a return to so many of our regular school routines including an opportunity for in-person conferences. Parents and guardians, we invite you to join us for in-person conferences on Tuesday, October 19, or virtual conferences on Wednesday, October 20. Either way, we look forward to the opportunity to meet with you.  More information can be found here.

Our students experienced another traditional rite of passage last week— Homecoming! It was fun to finally celebrate the week together again. Thank you to the Student Council and their advisors for planning and sponsoring many of the traditional Homecoming activities including theme days, activities at lunch, school decorations, a Pepfest, a dance, and attendance at various games. The students did an outstanding job reestablishing the true spirit of Homecoming and pride in our school.  

It sometimes surprises me what gives me pride as a principal and I was unabashedly proud of our students at the Pepfest last Friday. It is difficult for me to capture their spirit in a newsletter. They were simply being teenagers having fun at their high school Pepfest. They created and participated in a number of engaging activities and skits. They were cheering for their peers and teachers. They were respectful. What we experienced seemed quite extraordinary in the midst of the ordinary.  

No doubt, one of the reasons the Pepfest seemed so significant to me is that we haven’t had one since 2019. In retrospect though, I realize that the students were modeling behavior that our society has been struggling to achieve over the past few years. They were joining together around a common purpose. There was no polarization. There were no sides. They came together as a community. As corny as it may sound, I believe that we adults could learn a lot from them.  

Thank you, students. You make us all proud.

Mona Passman


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