Empty Bowls a Huge Success

February 8, 2017

Cindy Seller Roach of Heifer International presents plaque to senior student volunteers.
As part of Justice Week, the 15th Annual Empty Bowls event on February 1 raised $6,500 raised for Heifer International. Guests, students, faculty and staff gathered at lunch or dinner for a simple meal of soup and bread. Donations for the meal were dedicated to Heifer International.  Each participant chose from over 500 bowls made by CDH, Nativity, and Visitation students. 
Many hands made Empty Bowls successful. Over 70 volunteers planned and worked at the event under the leadership of Peter Gleich, Campus Minister. Over 150 gallons of soup were donated by over 25 donors, and over 50 silent auction items were given by 40+ donors.
Cindy Seller Roach of Heifer International formally recognized CDH with a plaque honoring the significant financial support raised by CDH throughout the 15 years of Empty Bowls totaling $120,000 in donations.


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Easter Mass Celebrated

Fr. Pat Kennedy led Easter Mass in the field house on April 4, with several students and staff taking part with the readings and music.