Letter from the Principal - May 2019

By Mona Passman, Principal
May 10, 2019

 Dear Parents and Guardians:

Our seniors are counting down the days until the end of the school year when they will embark on new journeys.  May can be stressful for all of us, but instead of counting down the days, I encourage you to be mindful of all its blessings.

Our seniors are celebrating the culmination of their high school experience along with the promise of new beginnings. They are also saying goodbye to their many friends, parents, and teachers. As significant adults in their lives, we will share many of these moments with them.

For seniors, this time of year is certainly exciting. It can also be scary. They are leaving a world they have known for eighteen years to enter a whole new stage of life. This experience is different for each student. Some students will become sentimental and appreciative.  Others will rebel. Some will want to spend every last minute with family and friends. Others will start to push everyone away. Some will continue to do well in school. Others will disengage. Some will follow all the rules. Others will make up their own. While it is all ‘normal,’ this is a time of great transition in their life.   

Please keep our seniors (and our families) in your prayers. While the end is near, there is a really good reason we call our final celebration ‘commencement.’ As much as we have come to know, respect and enjoy these students, we are proud to launch them into the next phase of their lives with hopeful enthusiasm and the confidence that they have been well-prepared.  

From the bottom of my heart, thank you to all of those who have supported them throughout the years particularly their parents, guardians, teachers, and coaches.  Parents, you have trusted us to partner with you over the years and we are grateful.

To our graduates, their parents, and our retiring teachers, I offer a fond farewell and a prayer for God’s loving grace and peace in your lives. To the rest of our community, I look forward to another year with you at CDH.


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